April 30, 2012

My son, aged 22, has grey strands of hair occurring prematurely. What is the remedy for this?

Premature graying is related to stress, reduced physical activities and reduced anti oxidant levels etc. This problem is usually because of high levels of pitta dosha in the body and most of the cases it used be hereditary. Ayurveda recommends purification therapy followed by rejuvenation therapy for this condition. Purification therapies like purgation therapy with cooling herbs processed with milk and rejuvenation with herbs and foods with more folic acid, iron and protein and catslysts which increases the absorption of the same. As a home remedy Apply Amla powder mixed with fresh curd and egg white to improve the natural colouring in the hair.

A  healthy diet is required for this problem 
a. Eat brown rice instead of white rice and white flour 
b. Adequate amount of protein like soya, black channa, or for the non-veg, fish and eggs. 
c. Adequate amount of zinc and chromium which is easily available from nuts and seeds. 
d. A diet comprising of 50% fresh (raw) foods and 50% of cooked foods. 
e. Sulphur and Silicon in vegetables like broccoli, onion and other vegetables like carrot, spinach, radish, purple cabbage, mushroom etc. 
f. Biotin found in brown rice and soya. 
g. All the B vitamins found in all the colored fruits like papaya, watermelon, oranges etc. 
h. Vitamin C found in amla and all the citrus fruits. 
i. Drink plenty of water. 
j. Avoid all fast foods, artificial colored foods and junk foods.
k. Massage your scalp with Brahmi oil or Nilibringathi coconut oil on your scalp 30 minutes before taking bath. 
l. Brahmi(Bacopa monnieri), Bhringaraj and Guduchi(Tinospora cordifolia) are three of the primary herbs used to remove excess pitta from the body and maintain balance. 

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