December 26, 2011

Ayurveda for Parkinson's disease

Ayurveda can improve lifestyle of a Parkinson’s disease patient

Parkinson’s disease was identified and explained by Dr James Parkinson in 1817 which was characterized by tremors of hands and feet, difficult or no control over the body movements, drooling, tremor, rigidity and dementia etc.
This condition is not new to Ayurveda. Charaka Samhita, one of the oldest general medicine books of Ayurveda explains this condition as ‘Kampa Vata’ completely with causes, signs and symptoms, pathogenesis, complications, treatment protocol etc in detail much better than the Modern medical system.

Ayurveda opines that the three functional elements and seven physical elements are the basis of human body. Any derangement in their function is termed as disease/ disorder.
Parkinson’s disease is caused by the derangement of the functional element that is the Vata dosha which is responsible for the nourishments of tissues and every nervous activity. Ayurveda says that the metabolism plays a vital role in this condition. Malnutrition and aggravated Vata dosha leads to deficiency of required nutrient supply to the brain which in turn on a long run leads to this condition.
Ayurveda says that the treatment process thus includes diet, detoxification and simple exercises which can regulate the better nourishment process.

Signs and Symptoms

Primary signs and symptoms include tremors, rigidity, and postural instability. Secondary symptoms includes drooling, freezing, insomnia, dementia, speech and swallowing disturbances, constipation, depression, excessive sweating, dry skin, slow response to physical and psychological stimuli, cramped handwriting and changed feeble voice.

Ayurveda and Parkinson’s disease

Ayurveda the science of life effectively treats this condition over thousands of years. Though this treatment process is slow, the efficacy is well appreciated by the patients.
Ayurveda recommends a twofold treatment protocol for Parkinson’s disorder
a.        Ayurveda detoxification therapies followed by rejuvenation therapies
b.       Ayurveda medication therapy with Diet and Yoga

Ayurveda detoxification therapies

Ayurveda recommends a personalized approach for this condition. Based on the Prakriti, stage of the disease, season, complications, age of the patient etc are considered carefully by the physician before creating a healing plan. Even though Ayurveda texts advises a simple vata hara Chikitsa for Parkinson’s disease that is Oleation and fomentation therapies followed by medical enema therapies the technique and usage of herbs varies based on the above factors.

Following steps are carefully advocated by the physician

a.        The digestion plays a vital role in this condition. Ayurveda recommends medicines to improve the Jatara Agni (Gastric fire) as the first step towards the healing as this purification and rejuvenation requires stronger gastric fire to nourish the nervous system and brain.

b.       After the restoration of the digestive fire, Ayurveda recommends its traditional treatments like Abhyanga, Pizchil, Ela kizhi, Navara Kizhi etc. This process not only strengthens the systems but also keeps the body ready to remove the unwanted and long standing toxins. These treatments usually advised for 7-41 days depends on the condition and chronicity of the disease.

c.         Medicated enema therapy is the specialty of Ayurveda. Ayurveda recommends oil based and herbal decoction based enema therapies as a well calculated treatment. This helps in restoring the aggravated vata elements which in turn helps the restoration of health and rejuvenation processes. These medicated enema therapies usually advocated for 7-21 numbers depends on the condition.

Ayurveda Medication therapy

An holistic therapy with Ayurveda medicines, diet and yoga can improve the life style of a Parkinson’s patient in no time. Ayurveda recommends processed herbs as diet. Herbs like Mucuna pruriens, Pantago zeylanica, triphala, amla, Ulmus fulva, Glycyrriza glabra, Ashwagandha, jatamansi, Shanka Pushpi, Hydrocotyle asiatica etc helps in improving the digestion, nourishes the body tissues and nervous systems, brings back the normalcy and feeling of a well being in the affected patients without any side effects.

Ayurveda recommends a vata hara diet schedule like adding limited oil, meat soups, and warm water as diet. Ayurveda do recommend personalized yoga and simple exercises for the quick healing.


Ayurveda’s holistic approach to this condition helps to build a positive wellbeingness. Traditional use of Mucuna seeds as diet for this condition is confirmed by modern scientific researches is the simple evident that the Ayurveda system can bring the positive health in Parkinson’s disease patients.
Having said that, Ayurveda not just recommending medicines and therapies for the healing but advises to bring in a good positive change in the life style for the complete cure, without this fact a complete cure or a feeling well being a merely a dream.

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