January 31, 2011

rVita's approach to Gall Stones

Gall Stones

Basic Symptom Description:

Generally the main symptom that is associated with the Gall Stones is Gall Colic or Billiary Colic or severe steady pain. This if experienced by a patient carrying the stones can last anywhere between 30 minutes to 5 hours on each occasion. Even after the colic subsides there is a soreness that remains in the upper abdomen or epigastrium (Right Upper Quadrant) for up to 24 hours or more. Besides this acute phase of the disease which causes intolerable pain/colic occasionally or even frequently the other symptoms that may also occur include - nausea, indigestion, loss of appetite, acidity, abdominal wind/gas/ flatulence, etc.

Gall Bladder Stone Complications: Obstructive jaundice, Pancreatitis, Cholecystitis

rVita’s Unique Perspective on the Disease

Gall bladder stones are a very commonly occurring phenomenon. It is estimated that about 20% of women and 8% of men have Gall bladder stones. However, the important point to observe is that most of them are 'silent' stones and do not exhibit any symptoms or complications. Most of them are detected through routine diagnosis like Ultra Sonography (USG) or X-Ray or CT Scans. It is a well documented fact that if a stone remains silent for 15 years it virtually has no chance of exhibiting any symptoms or complications. Hence, we must take the view that removing the stone through surgery or lithotripsy is completely unnecessary.

rVita’s Treatment Strategy for Gall Bladder Stones:

The treatment strategy is aimed to achieve the following:

Immediate Pain Relief: Provide fast and immediate pain relief. If at all the pain/colic occurs to the patient, we are able to do this with our Specific pain killer for this disease itself. Patients have reported pain relief usually within 5 to 20 minutes of taking the medicines in almost all cases. More importantly the relief that ensues from this medication is a complete one and the patient feels normal without any remaining soreness. Most importantly these medicines do not have any side-effects unlike any other painkiller in allopath medicine. The role of this medicine is not only to provide immediate relief to the pain but also to reduce the chances of recurrence of the colic.

Prevent Incidents of Colic: Provide medications and management to prevent the occurrence of pain due to gall stones or gall colic. Almost all patients have never had colic once they started our treatment and followed our extremely simple management advises.

Dissolution of Stone: Provide medications that gradually dissolve the stone. This is achieved by using our medications continuously over a period of time. The length of this treatment depends on the size and chemical composition of the stone and varies from case to case. However, during this period of prolonged treatment the patient remains free from any symptoms related to this disease and is able to carry on his/her normal life.


How the telemedicine service would work for this disease?

There would be two scenarios

The First scenario, where the patient is already been diagnosed Gall Bladder Stones by regular physician. In this case we would need all the medical records that are related as well as unrelated to the disease. We would want to know what other diseases you are suffering from and what all treatments you are undergoing. If you have undergone any medical investigations like X-Ray, CT-Scan, MRI, as well as pathological reports for Blood, urine, etc. We would ideally like to have copies of all these reports - which can be scanned and emailed to us or even, can be directly uploaded to the Patient Management System (PMS) at our web site (www.rvita.com)

After reviewing the reports and online Prakriti analysis, the rVita medical expert creates a healing plan with Ayurveda medications, Yogic exercises with Diet plan. The Ayurveda medications include two sets of medicines. One set should be consumed irrespective of any physical symptoms. The second set would be taken only when there is acute onset of pain, nausea etc. This set of reserve medicines is called the 'Gall Bladder Stone kit'. It gives the telemedicine Centre the ability to respond to any emergencies or even minor discomforts that may be experience by the patient from time to time. Many of these symptoms may not be related to the disease directly but we have found a strong concurrence of these conditions from our vast experience in treating such patients over years.

The Second scenario, the patient only complains of certain symptoms and is unaware of any diagnosis. Based on the patient's description of the symptoms we suspect gall bladder stone and if the patient is in a position to we advise an Ultra Sonography (USG), or an X-ray if USG is not possible for any reason. This is only to confirm our suspicion. However, if for any reason beyond the control of the patient, he/she is unable to get a scan done and is in a lot of pain, we can straight away initiate the treatment if we are satisfied, based on our vast experience, after speaking to the patient about the symptoms. This approach is very safe in our case as there is no scope of any side-effects if for any reason the diagnosis is ultimately corrected when the patient actually could go for the confirmatory investigations. This is an extreme rarity for us because we have been successfully treating and absorbing the experience of treating all kinds of patients including those suffering from Gall Bladder Stones.

For Online Gall Bladder Treatment Visit http://www.rvita.com/

Call 1800 425 4325 (India Only) / 00 91 9500123412 / 00 9144 42187226 for appointments and more details

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