March 1, 2015

Ayurveda for Asthma

Ayurveda for Asthma

Respiration is life. Through respiration body gets the required oxygen and removes the unwanted CO2.
Anatomy of Human respiratory tract – Basically divided into two, upper and lower. Upper respiratory tract includes of Nasal passage, Pharynx, Larynx and Sinus glands. Lower respiratory tract includes trachea, Bronchi and lung as whole.
Common diseases affects the respiratory tract are cold, sinusitis, flu, cough, whooping cough, bronchitis, Asthma, tonsillitis, hiccough, Tuberculosis and pneumonia etc.
Common conditions
a. Cold – Usually bacterial or viral with common symptoms like Sneezing, running nose, cough, head ache, body ache, fever. In Ayurveda, it is termed as ‘Pratishyaya’
b. Sinusitis – Inflammation of sinus glands. Most cases sinusitis can lead to asthma or connected to Asthma. Common symptoms includes Head ache, tenderness over head, eyes, water or purulent discharges from nose, nasal blocks, bad breath, facial pain, sore throat, swelling around the eyes and early morning and continuous sneezing
c. Tonsillitis – Inflammation of Tonsils, common in children
d. Cough- Reflex or sudden explosive movement to bring out the foreign body is termed as cough. Usually any respiratory disorder is connected with cough. It is of two types. Wet and Dry cough.
e. Whooping Cough – It is a deadly bacterial infectious disease. Children are mostly affected. Symptoms starts with running nose, sneezing, watery eyes, throat pain or irritation, fever and cough. Later stages cough turns persistent and becomes continuous.
f. Bronchitis – It is the common condition affects all age groups especially children due to external irritants and infections (Viral and Bacterial). This condition is associated with fever, clear or purulent sputum, vomiting etc. Repeated bronchial infection could lead to emaciation, thin and weakness. Tuberculosis in adults and older is usually connected to Bronchitis.
g. Asthma – Literally means Short breath. It is a allergic disorder usually caused by weather conditions, food, drugs, dust, smoke, perfumes, insect repellents etc. stress, physical exertion, anxiety, anger do contribute. Breathing difficulty, shortness of breath, repeated cold, fatigue, itching or heaviness of the chest, stomach, loss of appetite is commonly seen. It can affect any age and can strike any time.
Why Ayurveda for common respiratory disorders?
Ayurveda, the science of medicine treats not the symptom but the cause itself. Ayurveda does not see this condition as confined to respiratory tract alone but to consider this as full body’s functional elements derangement and immune deficiency. Very important factor is that Ayurveda not only heals the disease but also enhances the body’s immune system which in turn helps in the prevention of any disease.
Herbs good for Respiratory Disorders
Following are the common Ayurveda Herbs very effective to prevent and heal the immunity and respiratory system
a. Vasa – Adathoda vasica
b. Thulasi – Ocimum sanctum
c. Pippali – Piper longum
d. Madhu Yashti – Glycyrrhiza glabra
e. Pudina – Mentha Arvensis
f. Tagara – Tylophora indica
g. Rasna – Alpinia galanga
h. Omam – Hyoscyamus niger
i. Shunti – Zingiber officinale
j. Black pepper – Piper nigrum
k. Jatipatri – Myrstica fragrans
l. Talisapatra – Abies webbiana
m. Katntakari – Solanum xanthocarpum / Indicum
Home relief measures
a. Inhaling the smoke of burning turmeric is one of the best home remedies for Asthma
b. Milk mixed with 1 gm of long pepper, palm sugar, black pepper and Turmeric is effective to improve respiratory tract immunity
c. Betel leaf juice 5 ml with 2 gm of honey is effective for cold, cough, fever and improve appetite and immunity
d. Inhaling hot steam or full body steam bath cleanses the channels in no time and remove the blockages etc
e. Vitamin C and D are very important to protect the respiratory tract, check your diet
f. Pouring too hot water over head / too cold bath to be avoided.
g. Dry cough and whooping Cough – 10 ml warm milk + 2 gm of melted ghee – This combination improves the dryness of the tract and removes weakness. This also helps easy removal of the sputum
h. For wet cough – Equal amounts of black pepper+ Long Pepper + honey each 2 gm helps
i. Black pepper with ghee helps to improve both wet and dry cough.
j. Onion juice mixed with Jaggery is a very good expectorant good for both dry and wet cough
k. Fresh Juice of Coleus aromaticus and fresh basil is good to prevent, heal and rejuvenate the respiratory system
l. Ginger juice mixed with honey is good to improve the congestion, running nose very well
m. Warm milk with a pinch of turmeric powder is good to improve the respiratory tract functions
n. Every day intake of honey mixed with milk is good for respiratory tract
o. Juice of Adathoda vasica is a very good remedy for cough, cold and all kind of respiratory infections.
p. Add orange, pine apple, custard apple, Drum stick and mint to protect and improve immunity
Precautions to avoid respiratory tract infections
a. Avoid house dust, mites etc
b. Avoid exposure to excessive cold weather, moisture etc
c. Pets could cause. Check your allergy status
d. Avoid banana, curs, ladies finger, deep fried, salty, sour, spicy foods and drinks
e. Good to avoid alcohol and smoking

For appointments please call 9500123413 / 9940079511

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