October 10, 2012

Remedy for Lichen Planus

I am diagnosed with lichen planus in 2001. Since then i’m taking Allopathic medicines on and off until last 3 years (till 2009). I could control the itching and stopped scratching the affected skin and it went away without medication. I have 4 months baby now and i dont take any medication. My Lichen planus is relapsed now. I hav it only on my skin hands and legs. Please help me.

Dr Gowthaman Answers - 

Lichen planus is the specialty of Ayurveda. Ayurveda detoxification medicines and therapies with good diet & sleep it can be healed completely. Take Maha Thiktakam kashaym 3 tablets 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner with warm milk, Sorin capsules 2 thrice daily after food with warm water and Madhusnuhi choornam – 3 gm in empty stomach with warm water helps. Eladi thailam external application reduces the itching and scars.
Avoid spicy, salty sour foods and drinks, Add as much as water possible. Apple, pine apple, Guava, Pomegranate are good for this condition. Avoid curd, pickels, green chili, potato and non vegetarian food and drinks.

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